Fulgent Genetics Agrees to Acquire Inform Diagnostics and Provides Preliminary First Quarter Revenue Results
Fulgent Genetics agrees to acquire Inform Diagnostics. [Read More]
Fulgent Genetics agrees to acquire Inform Diagnostics. [Read More]
This Washington Post article proves the value of definitive small fiber neuropathy testing. [Read More]
Chronic pruritis (itching sensation) is associated with a number of medical conditions including several neuropathic illnesses. [Read More]
Haupt el al. conducted a long term review (2.5 to 14 years) of patients diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy (SFN) who did not have signs of large fiber neuropathy. [Read More]
Therapath has established five standard biopsy sites for Epidermal Nerve Fiber Density (ENFD) and Sweat Gland Nerve Fiber Density (SGNFD). [Read More]
De Greef et al. studied 921 patients with confirmed small fiber neuropathy in order to investigate the prevalence of associated conditions in SFN patients. [Read More]
Nerve biopsy can identify potentially treatable causes of neuropathy, such as vasculitis, atypical CIDP, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, lymphomatosis, or leprosy... [Read More]
Neuropathy can be an early manifestation of systemic amyloidosis. Such patients often present with a painful distal and symmetric neuropathy and autonomic symptoms. [Read More]
Muscle biopsy is used to confirm that there is a morphological or biochemical abnormality that correlates with or could account for clinical symptoms. [Read More]
Statin neuropathy appears to be associated with axonal degeneration, and affects both large and small fibers. [Read More]