Contact Us
Our Client Services team is available to assist you M-F, 7AM – 7PM CT with kit ordering or testing questions.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7AM-7PM CT
Address: 1111 S. Freeport Pkwy., Coppell, Texas 75019
Phone: 800-681-4338
Fax: 917-441-1116
Therapath has moved to Coppell, TX.
For questions regarding an insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB), or a bill from Therapath, please call our billing department or fill out the form and a team member will be in touch.
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30AM – 7PM CT
Phone: 844-290-5307
Fax: 844-290-5308
To make a payment by mail, please address to:
Therapath, PO Box 841647, Dallas, TX 75284-0802
Please contact your provider with any medical questions. Therapath provides specialized pathology testing at the request of your provider. Your provider can evaluate your symptoms, test results, and medical history to provide appropriate medical advice.